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Dr. Rachel    吳佩芳 博士

吳佩芳 教授
Pei-Fang Rachel Wu Professor

國立臺中教育大學 幼兒教育學系
Department of Early Childhood Education

National Taichung University of Education

研究專長 Research Areas

1. 早期療育與家庭支持

Early Intervention and Family Support
2. 學前融合教育

Preschool Integrated Education
3. 學前特殊教育課程設計

Preschool Special Education Curriculum Design
4. 中重度障礙幼兒教育

Early Childhood Education for Moderate and Severe Disabilities
5. 應用行為分析

Applied Behavior Analysis
6. 早期療育成效評估

Early Intervention Effectiveness Evaluation
7. 教練訓練模式在學前階段的運用

Application of Coach Training Model in Preschool Stage

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